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*'''суицид''' - Убийство собственных войск для увеличения свободного населения.
*'''суицид''' - Убийство собственных войск для увеличения свободного населения.
*'''ресы''' - Ресурсы.
*'''ресы''' - Ресурсы.
*'''ПА''' - [[Премиум аккаунт]]. Не путать с Персональным альянсом.
*'''ПА''' - [[Премиум| аккаунт]]. Не путать с Персональным альянсом.
*'''PP''' - Premium Player, an alternative to PA to avoid confusion.
*'''PP''' - Premium Player, an alternative to PA to avoid confusion.
*'''spell''' - An act of divine favour from [[The Gods|the Gods]], eg. Poseidon's 'Kingly Gift'.
*'''spell''' - An act of divine favour from [[The Gods|the Gods]], eg. Poseidon's 'Kingly Gift'.

Версия от 09:28, 21 апреля 2011

Жаргон Grepolis

Если вы новичок в игре Grepolis, то вы можете встретить несколько терминов, которых,вы врятли будете знать что они означают. Ну, надеюсь, это краткое руководство поможет вам. Хотя нет стыда, не зная смысла жаргон, и мы все иногда могли быть в такой ситуаций , этот список может позволить вам избежать этих иногда неловких ситуации, где вы не знаете, что означают некоторые слова.

Игровая механика

  • дефф - обороны и оборонительные войска(например лучники это дефф единица).
  • офф - нападающие и наступательные войска (например, кавалерия офф единицы)..
  • город деффа - город только с оборонительными войсками.
  • город оффа - город только с нападающими войсками.
  • farm vill - A farming village, may also be called NPC village (Non-player controlled) or barb(arian) village.
  • farm - A city controlled by another player which you attack for resources.
  • суицид - Убийство собственных войск для увеличения свободного населения.
  • ресы - Ресурсы.
  • ПА - аккаунт. Не путать с Персональным альянсом.
  • PP - Premium Player, an alternative to PA to avoid confusion.
  • spell - An act of divine favour from the Gods, eg. Poseidon's 'Kingly Gift'.
  • bolt - Zues' 'Lightning Bolt' favour, also referring to a strategy of having many alliance members 'bolt' an enemy city without sending any real troop attacks.
  • BP - Beginners protection, the first few days after joining a world when you cannot be attacked.
  • BP - BP can also mean battle points which are gained from killing enemy units.
  • BPA - Battle points attack, BP gained from attacking.
  • BPD - Battle points defense, BP gained from defending.
  • wall spy - To check your wall before a battle, where the units you have killed are listed, and to check after the battle (if none of your troops survived), to see how many more troops you killed.
  • VP - Victory Procession



  • PA - Personal alliance, another player you are personally allied to independent of your alliance. Do not confuse with with Premium Account.
  • ally - An alliance you mutually co-operate with.
  • NAP - Non Aggression Pact, an alliance you mutually agree not to attack.
  • enemy - An alliance you are at war with.
  • spy - A player who joins an enemy alliance to secretly gather intelligence.
  • MM/mass mail - A mail sent to multiple players.
  • leaders - The founders and leaders of an alliance.
  • MRA - Mass Recruiting Alliance, an alliance that invites lots of players irrespective of their experience or points.
  • Ceasefire - When two alliances agree to stop a war for a time.

Система боя

  • siege - Damage a city with catapults.
  • clear - Kill all troops defending a city.
  • clearing wave - An attack designed to clear a city. Also abbreviated to CW.
  • fake - An attack consisting of a single unit to scare or deceive an enemy.
  • scout/spy - Act of performing espionage of another city.
  • timed attack - Multiple attacks that arrive in close proximity of one another.
  • dodge - Temporarily move units out of a city to evade an incoming attack.
  • timed support - Units that arrive during the middle of a timed attack.
  • rim - The edge of the world where new players and refugee players are sent.
  • rimmed - Sending someone to the rim by conquering their last village.
  • Nuke - An attack consisting of one type of unit (eg. a slinger nuke of 1000 slingers only).
  • turtle - A player with several defensive cities on one island and who is thus very difficult to conquer.


  • Grepo - Grepolis. Also abbreviated to GP.
  • TW - Tribal Wars. (Germans use in reference to The West.)
  • West - The West.
  • Wiki - The Grepolis Wikipedia (where you are now).
  • pure - A player who only builds military buildings and troops.
  • point whore - A player who focuses on building up cities and gaining points rather then building troops (also known as a Sim player).
  • mod - A moderator of either the external forum or in-game.
  • mod alliance - An alliance with several mods in (mods have no powers in the world they play).
  • rep - Reputation on the external forum

Интернет жаргон

Here is a list of more general internet jargon. It is in no way a comprehensive list, but these are some of the more common terms in the Grepolis community.

  • RL - Real life
  • PM - Private message
  • ВГ - В игре
  • noob/n00b - derogatory term for a new or inexperienced player
  • IE - Internet Explorer
  • FF - Mozilla Firefox
  • GC - Google Chrome
  • idk - I don't know
  • idc - I don't care
  • ty - Thank you
  • np - No problem
  • nw - No worries
  • imo/imho - In my (honest/humble) opinion
  • afaik - As far as I know
  • fyi - For your information
  • btw - By the way
  • atm - At the moment
  • iirc - If I remember correctly
  • lol - Laugh out loud
  • rofl - Rolling on the floor laughing
  • k - Ok
  • b2t - Back to topic
  • gfx - Graphics
  • :) - Смайл есть много вариантов.
  • bbl - Be back later
  • brb - Be right back
  • ttyl - Talk to you later
  • cya - See you
  • <3 - Love/heart


There are a few general tips to follow when communicating with people online, again this is not a comprehensive list, but follow these and hopefully everyone can have a more enjoyable time playing on Grepolis.

  • Using capital letters for a whole word/phrase is like shouting, avoid this as much as possible.
  • Irony and sarcasm can be detected through a change in tone of voice, not so online, remember someone could think you are being rude.
  • You are talking to real people, if you wouldn't say something to their face don't say it to them online.
  • This is a game and everyone wants to have fun, so be gracious in defeat as well as victory.
  • Avoid excessive acronyms, the may be faster to type, but can be a lot harder to read.
  • If you want to write messages to other players as if you were a Greek king, then do so, that's what this game is about.