При достижении определенных условий в игре вам присуждают различные награды. Эта статья содержит список всех известных наград и медалей, которые вы можете получить в Grepolis, а также условия их получения.
Выбор игроков, видящих ваши награды
Изначально установлено, что все награды которые вы получаете видите лишь вы сами. Для того что бы изменить приватность показа - вы должны поменять соответствующие настройки.
Для того что бы это сделать зайдите в меню своего профиля в меня слева и выберите вкладку "Награды", как показано ниже:
Вы можете изменить настройки по умолчанию для каждого сервера, на котором у вас есть аккаунт - просто выберите нужный мир в первом списке и поставьте необходимое действие для новых наград:
- Видны только мне -- Новые награды будут показаны только вам, никто больше их не сможет увидеть
- Видны для меня и моего союза -- Новые награды будут видимы всем членам вашего союза
- Видны всем -- Новые награды будут видны для всех игроков Grepolis всех серверов
Для примера если вы выберете настройку "Видны всем", то новые награды, полученные в ходе игры будут автоматически добавляться в колонку для наград, видимых для всех. Полученные ранее награды не будут перемещаться, вы должны переместить их вручную если хотите изменить параметры приватности для них.
Независимо от настроек вы можете перемещать значки медалей между тремя полями наград простым перетягиванием мышкой.
В зависимости от того, в каком поле находится награда, другие игроки смогут увидеть ее на соответствующей панели в самом низу страницы вашего профиля...
Панель наград (просмотр наград других игроков)
Чтобы увидеть награды, полученные игроком, зайдите на страницу профиля пользователя, и вы увидите награды на панели в нижней части страницы:
Как показано выше - синий флаг показывает в каком Миры игрок был награжден отображенными наградами. Игрок может иметь аккаунты в нескольких мирах, и все награды во всех мирах будут отображены на этой панели.
Игроки, играющие большое количество времени, могут иметь много наград, которые не будут вмещаться в положенном месте - вы можете пролистывать их мышкой.
При наведении на медаль мыши отобразиться краткая информация о награде - название и условие для получения.
Если в профиле игрока не отображено ни одной награды, то это скорее всего значит, что игрок предпочел скрыть их от посторонних глаз.
Why would I choose not to show my awards to everyone?
Awards can possibly give away sensitive information about your account on a server - for example, do you want opponents to know that you regularly fail espionage (spying) missions or that you've recruited lots of mythical units?
Remember that you'll always get a notice when you receive a new reward so you can manually override the display of that award fairly soon after you get it. You might still choose to add all awards to the "Visible to everyone" or "Visible to the alliance" columns, and then remove any sensitive awards after you get the notice about receiving them.
How do I show my awards in forum topics and other places?
You can insert your awards in a forum topic, your profile text, in-game messages and various other places using the "Award" button as shown below:
You can choose to display all your awards, or just awards from a specific server, or even a specific award. Quite why you'd want to do this I have no idea, but hey, its still pretty cool!
The BBCode (formatting markup used in the in-game forums) can be pasted in to your profile, notepad and anywhere else that accepts BBCode within the game.
List of all known Awards (and how to get them!)
Here's a list of all known awards - if you find any more (or know any of the unknown requirements mentioned below), please post details in the forum.
Daily Awards
Each of the following awards are handed out once a day to the player who best achieves the awards' requirements. For example, the person who loots the most cities in a day, more than anyone else in the world (server), will get the "Looter of the day" award.
Daily awards look like a tombstone and have the date engraved on them, along with a picture representing the achievement:
You can collect large numbers of these daily awards - each time you're the best on the server for one of the requirements above you'll be awarded with a new tombstone!
Special Awards
Every so often, something unusual happens in Grepolis, such as an Advent calendar quest. Not surprisingly there's awards for these special events or quests:
Advent Calendar Award | You found all the gifts of the Advent Calendar! | |
Easter Egg Hunt Award | You have found all Easter Eggs! |
Graded Awards
The following medals are awarded when you achieve specific requirements. Unlike daily awards, you'll still receive the medal even if other players have achieved more than you. As your level of achievement for a particular requirement increases over time, you'll get higher "grades" of the award. These awards encourage you to learn about major game features and then to keep using those features in your gameplay.
Even if you are a lousy Grepolis player and fail spectacularly, you'll still be awarded and graded for your EPIC FAIL achievements. Now you can boast about your failures! Remember: [Failure is the secret to success]!
The appearance of the award changes based on it's grade:
- Grade 1 (lowest) -- badly broken columns either side of the medal
- Grade 2 -- slightly broken columns either side of the medal
- Grade 3 -- perfect columns, draped with tattered (ripped / worn) blue banners
- Grade 4 (highest) -- perfect columns, draped with perfect blue banners
Usually only the highest grade you've reached will be displayed, although some players manage to display multiple grades of the same award somehow.
The one exception is the "Victim" award (which is the highest level of failure possible in Grepolis) as it has only one grade due to it's somewhat amusing requirements.
Resource Gathering
These awards encourage you to gather as many resources as possible, which in turn will allow you to increase the size of your civilisation and army.
While you can gain resources by building up your Timber Camp, Quarry and Silver mine, you will gain far more resources if you loot farming villages, attack enemy cities and trade goods at the market.
(and how to get it) |
Robber |
500 resources |
50,000 resources |
2,500,000 resources |
50,000,000 resources |
(lose units whilst looting) |
50 units lost |
250 units lost |
1,000 units lost |
Unknown |
(trade goods at the market) |
20,000 resources |
200,000 resources |
2,000,000 resources |
20,000,000 resources |
Civilisation Size
These awards encourage you to increase the size of your civilisation by:
In order to get more cities, you'll need more Culture.
The purpose of increasing your civilisation is to enable you to support a bigger army. If you're doing it just for the points (known as being a "Points whore" or "Sim city player") then enemies will just wipe you off the map as your cities will be easy targets for them to capture!
(and how to get it) |
Point King |
2000 points |
25,000 points |
250,000 points |
Unknown |
Bread and Games
(increase culture level) |
Level 5 |
Level 20 |
Level 50 |
Unknown |
Determined Expansionist
(build colony ships) |
5 ships |
50 ships |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Peaceful Settler |
5 cities |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Conqueror |
5 cities |
25 cities |
75 cities |
Unknown |
Island Overlord
(own all city slots on an island) |
1 island |
3 islands |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Ruler of the Seas
(increase ocean ranking) |
Top 100 |
Top 30 |
Top 5 |
Ranked #1 |
Ruler of the World
(increase world ranking) |
Top 1000 |
Top 100 |
Top 20 |
Ranked #1 |
These awards encourage you to recruit more troops - a bigger army enables you to:
- Defend better against enemy attacks
- Attack and/or capture enemy cities
- Loot more resources from farms and enemies
- Gain more battle points during wars
(and how to get it) |
Trainer |
100 recruits |
1,000 recruits |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Legendary Army |
5 monsters |
50 monsters |
500 monsters |
Unknown |
These awards encourage you to spy on other players. Your espionage activities reveal detailed information about your enemies, including:
- The number and type of troops stationed in their city
- The amount of resources they have in their warehouse
- The levels of all their buildings
Armed with this information, you can better plan your attacks and have a better idea of what to expect should the enemy attack you first.
(and how to get it) |
Spy |
5 missions |
50 missions |
500 missions |
Unknown |
Double Agent |
5 missions |
50 missions |
500 missions |
Unknown |
These awards encourage you to wage war - both defending your own and alliance villages, and attacking enemy villages.
(and how to get it) |
Divine Aid |
10 times |
100 times |
1,000 times |
10,000 times |
Unrelenting Fighter |
250 kills |
2,500 kills |
25,000 kills |
250,000 kills |
Heroic Death |
100 deaths |
1,000 deaths |
10,000 deaths |
Unknown |
Watery Grave |
10 drowned |
100 drowned |
1,000 drowned |
10,000 drowned |
(die quickly) |
Killed less than a week after your beginner protection ends. |
Speed Worlds
These awards are only available on "speed worlds" (worlds where everything happens at an accelerated rate)...
Note: Normal worlds also have a "Ruler of the World" award, for more information see: #Civilisation Size.