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Афродита - богиня красоты и любви. Известная по всей Греции как воплощение красоты, ее присутствие влияет на рост. Ее власть над владениями возрастает по мере того, как она привлекает все большее внимание смертных с помощью праздненств в честь ее имени. Ее обаяние и элегантность манят врагов на поле боя, очаровывая их своей невероятной красотой.

Божественные силы Афродиты



Aphrodite's charm clouds the defending units vision, changing all that they desire.

All Defending units in the city are 10% less efficient for 12 hours.

350 Favor.png
Charitable Festival

Charitable Festival

As Aphrodite's influence and power grow, your citizens in turn grow mesmerized by the celebrations in their city.

Reduce the next Victory procession's celebration cost by 2% for every power active on this city. (Capped at 20%, does not stack)

130 Favor.png
Hymn to Aphrodite

Hymn to Aphrodite

The local Farming villages seek Aphrodite's approval, and gather more resources as an offering to her favor.

Increase farm resource collection by 20% + 1.5% for every power active on this city for 2 hours (up to 50%). Additionally, increase farm trade output by 10% while this power is active.

140 Favor.png


The uncanny resemblance of Pygmalion's statue to Aphrodite has captured some of her grace, making the city flourish while worshiping Aphrodite.

Increase population limit by 5 for every farm level. This is a passive power and is permanently active on all cities currently worshiping Aphrodite.

0 Favor.png

Active powers include all positive powers in the game, spells, upgradeable powers and permanent land expansion. Excluded are temple buffs and negative effects. The number of powers taken into account also excludes the current power being cast.

Aphrodite's Mythical Units

Name Description/Passive Stats


Their festive and cheerful nature deceives many who face them in combat. But no man nor creature on land can out run their fearless chase. Swift like the wind and sharp as Aphrodite's charm, they will cut through defenses in no time. Weapon Type Weapon type: Sharp

Attack DamageAttack Damage: 385

SpeedSpeed: 136

PopulationPopulation: 16

FavorFavor: 95

Defense BluntDefense against Blunt: 55

Defense SharpDefense against Sharp: 105

Defense DistanceDefense against Distance: 170



Units passive icon.png

Sirens improve movement speed of all naval units by 2% for each Siren. (Up to at 100%)

Weapon TypeWeapon type: Naval

Attack DamageAttack Damage: 180

SpeedSpeed: 22

PopulationPopulation: 16

FavorFavor: 110

DefenceNaval Defence: 170
