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In the menu "Premium" you have the possibility to buy small ingame advantages. To enable these advantages you need "gold", which can be purchased for a small fee.

There are five different advisors that you can enable, each of them offering a different advantage. You can enable all of them or only add the one(s) you need the most. With gold you can also half your building time or host an Olympic Games.

When you purchase gold it is bound to your account rather than the world you purchased it on, so your gold is available for use across all worlds you play. However, activating a premium feature only activates it on one world.



The Administrator supports you during the development and organisation of a huge empire. You can place up to seven construction orders and he will prepare many detailed overviews for you.

One of the most valuable of these overviews is the Quickbar. The quick bar appears under the City Name and Resources Symbols, and is entirely customisable.

Another example of a provided overview is the ability to view past reports in the General Information tab of other cities. This is helpful when planning attacks.



Купец улучшает экономический цикл, что способствует улучшенной добыче ресурсов на 30%. Кроме того, он помогает заключать более выгодные торговые соглашения с другими городами.

Верховная Жрица

Верховная Жрица

Верховная Жрица имеет особенно хорошие отношения с богами. Она увеличивает вашу пользу производства на 50% и поддерживает мифической силой ваших воинов, что позволяет им сражаться на 20% сильнее.



The commander enjoys the highest regard among your troops. He is able to increase your troop's motivation even further, so land units fight 20% stronger.



The Captain is an experienced seafarer who has already defeated many enemy fleets. His experience is a valuable enhancement of your naval battle force, so naval units fight 20% stronger.

Уменьшения время строительства

Рядом с ваших советников у вас также есть возможность моментально сократить время строительства здания, в два раза, это будет стоить 20 золотых.



Furthermore, you have the ability to hold the Olympic Games. The Olympics can begin in the Culture Tab of the Agora and will cost 50 gold, however you need a Level 30 Academy to begin. The Olympics will contribute towards your culture points, which are required to conquer and found other cities.